09:00 Registration
09:50 Plenary Session: Opening & Keynote Lecture
Session 1: Keynote Lecture • Sponsored by Femtonics
Chair: Corette Wierenga (Utrecht)
Gina Turrigiano (Waltham, MA, USA) The ups and downs of homeostatic plasticity in neocortical circuits (60')
11:00 Coffee & Tea
11:30 Parallel Sessions A
Session 2: Induced pluripotent stem cell models of neurodevelopmental disorders
Chairs: Femke de Vrij (Rotterdam) & Lot de Witte (Nijmegen)
Silvia Cappello (Munich, Germany) Extracellular signaling in neurodevelopmental disorders (30')
Lot de Witte (Nijmegen) Cerebral organoids as a model to study the effects of novel drugs targeting microglia (15')
Hilde Smeenk (Rotterdam) Using antisense oligonucleotides to reactivate paternal UBE3A in Angelman syndrome patient-derived neurons (15')
Niels Cornelisse (Amsterdam) Cellular models of SNAREopathies (15')
Job de Jong (Rotterdam) Cortical overgrowth in a preclinical forebrain organoid model of CNTNAP2-associated autism spectrum disorder (15')
Session 3: Neuromethods 2022 and beyond - advances in the neuroscience toolkit
Chairs: Aleksandra Badura (Rotterdam) & Daan Brinks (Delft)
Michael Hausser (London, United Kingdom) Reward signals in the cerebellum (30')
Tiago Costa (Delft) Miniaturized ultrasound neuromodulation devices for neuroscience (15')
Janine McCaughey (Utrecht) Revealing the neuronal ultrastructure using expansion microscopy (15')
Srividya Ganapathy (Delft) Expanding the family of genetically encoded voltage indicators (15')
Lucas Wahl (Rotterdam) Using novel tools to quantify behaviour in ASD mouse models (15')
Session 4: Understanding resilience and vulnerability to Alzheimer’s Disease
Chairs: Harm Krugers & Rik Ossenkoppele (Amsterdam)
Timothy Hohman (Nashville, TN, USA) Genetic signatures of cognitive reserve in humans (30')
Joukje Oosterman (Nijmegen) Cognitive reserve and strategy use in sustaining memory performance in normal aging (15')
Diana Bocancea (Amsterdam) Determinants of cognitive and brain resilience to tau pathology: a longitudinal analysis (15')
Niek Brosens (Amsterdam) Resilience and susceptibility to early Alzheimer’s disease: early life adversity modulates synaptic composition and determines cognitive reserve (15')
Helmut Kessels (Amsterdam) Glutamatergic receptors and sensitivity for Alzheimer's disease pathology (15')
Session 5: Seeking the best or escaping the worst? Neural computations underlying appetitive and aversive value-based decision-making
Chairs: Eliana Vassena & Floris Klumpers (Nijmegen)
Dominik Bach (London, United Kingdom) Human action selection under threat - computing adaptive behaviour (30')
Eliana Vassena (Nijmegen) Making decisions under stress: Neurobehavioral mechanisms of adaptive effort allocation (15')
Irene Cogliati Dezza (Ghent, Belgium) Knowledge is power... but how do people decide what to know? (15')
Ellen de Bruijn (Leiden) Dealing with uncertainty: the role of anxiety in learning and adapting in stable and volatile social environments (15')
Iris Ikink (Ghent, Belgium) When exactly? How time ambiguity influences intertemporal choice (15')
Session 6: The impact of pollutant particles on aging and neurodegeneration
Chairs: Amalia Dolga (Groningen) & Roel Schins (Düsseldorf, Germany)
Tarja Malm (Kuopio, Finland) Traffic-related particulate matter impairs function of human iPSC-derived microglia (30')
Roel Vermeulen (Utrecht) Preventing neurological diseases: an environmental agenda (15')
Roel Schins (Düsseldorf, Germany) The effects of traffic-related air pollution exposure on Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology in mice (15')
Amalia Dolga (Groningen) The effect of air pollutants on ferroptotic-cell death pathways (15')
Erwin Roggen (Copenhagen, Denmark) Environmental chemicals may accelerate the development of late onset Alzheimer's disease by plugging into processes leading towards memory loss (15')
13:00 Lunch
13:45 Posters
Session 7: Poster session 1
15:00 Parallel Sessions B
Session 8: Layers of information; new insights into myelin sculpting of cortical neural circuits
Chairs: Maarten Kole (Amsterdam) & Dorien Maas (Paris, France)
Dorien Maas (Paris, France) Myelin matters in cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia (15')
Maria Pascual Garcia (Rotterdam) Axonal morphology predicts region-dependent myelination of pyramidal cells in human and mouse neocortex (15')
Menno Schoonheim (Amsterdam) Network mechanisms underlying cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis (15')
Nora Jamann (Amsterdam) Demyelination impairs corticothalamic feedback in the somatosensory system (15')
Ethan Hughes (Denver, CO, USA) Motor learning drives dynamic patterns of intermittent myelination (30')
Session 9: The neural circuits controlling food intake
Chairs: Frank Meye (Utrecht) & Tatiana Korotkova (Cologne, Germany)
Tatiana Korotkova (Cologne, Germany) Simple pleasures: regulation of feeding and social interactions by the lateral hypothalamus (30')
Frank Meye (Utrecht) Understanding the neural circuits of stress eating (15')
Tamas Kozicz (Rochester, MN, USA) An unusual suspect in modulating energy metabolism (15')
Mahesh Karnani (Amsterdam) Synaptic inputs to lateral hypothalamic neurons (15')
Margo Slomp (Amsterdam) Correlation between HbA1c and habenula functional connectivity in human obesity (15')
Session 10: Lipids in neurodegeneration from biomarkers to targets for intervention
Chairs: Gijs Kooij & Aniko Korosi (Amsterdam)
Richard Bazinet (Toronto, Canada) Regulating brain fatty acids composition: uptake, synthesis, metabolism, and some controversies (30')
Pilar Martinez (Maastricht) Lipids in neurodegeneration: from biomarkers to targets for intervention (15')
Jorine Geertsema (Amsterdam) Early brain lipid dyshomeostasis as a potential early biomarker and target for intervention for Alzheimer’s Disease (15')
Gijs Kooij (Amsterdam) Omega-3/-6 derived specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators in the resolution of neuro-inflammation (15')
Rik van der Kant (Amsterdam) The neurolipid atlas: coupling iPSC-models with advanced lipidomics to understand the role of lipids in neurodegenerative disorders (15')
Session 11: When memories become intrusive: how adversity affects brain systems critical for memory functions
Chairs: Conny Quaedflieg (Maastricht) & Olivier de Vries (Amsterdam)
Pierre Gagnepain (Caen, France) Is PTSD a forgetting or a memory disorder? (30')
Conny Quaedflieg (Maastricht) Tracking stress-induced impairments in the ability to intentionally control memories (15')
Vanessa van Ast (Amsterdam) Fear-generalization across contexts: implications for post-traumatic stress disorder (15')
Olivier de Vries (Amsterdam) Bigger than its parts: how intrusions stem from multiple memory mechanisms and their interactions (15')
Thomas Meyer (Münster, Germany) Embedding aversive memories in time and space (15')
Session 12: Exercise and brain health
Chairs: Joram Mul & Anouk Schrantee (Amsterdam)
Yvonne Nolan (Cork, Ireland) Exercise and age shaping brain plasticity and behavior: lessons from inflammation and the gut microbiome (30')
Marene Hardonk (Amsterdam) Brain activation induced by voluntary wheel running in rodents (15')
Ayano Shiba (Amsterdam) Beneficial effects of timed exercise on the circadian system (15')
Anneke Vuuregge (Amsterdam) The role of moderate to vigorous physical activity in preventing relapse of depression and anxiety disorders during adolescence: a complex network analysis approach (15')
Brendon Stubbs (London, United Kingdom) Physical activity, fitness and muscular strength for the prevention and treatment of mental disorders (15')
16:30 Drinks
17:00 Plenary Session 18:00 Plenary Session 18:45 Dinner 20:00 Plenary Session 21:00 Social
Session 13: Prize winners lectures
Session 14: The neuroethics of biomarkers
Panel discussion moderated by Katherine Bassil & Dorothee Horstkötter (Maastricht)
with Matthew L. Baum (Boston, MA, USA) & Daan Kenis (Antwerpen, Belgium)
Session 15: Evening Lecture
Chair: Jocelien Olivier (Groningen)
Anton Scheurink (Groningen) Exercise slows you down (60')
09:00 Parallel Sessions C
Session 16: Blue in the spotlight: recent updates on the role of the locus coeruleus in stress and cognition
Chairs: Danai Riga (Utrecht) & Klodiana Daphne Tona (Leiden)
Natale Sciolino (Storrs, CT, USA) Natural locus coeruleus dynamics during feeding (30')
Danai Riga (Utrecht) Neuropeptide Y-mediated neuromodulation of the locus coeruleus in stress and anxiety (15')
Lars Emil Larsen (Ghent, Belgium) Hippocampal seizures strongly modulate the activity of locus coeruleus neurons (15')
Klodiana Daphne Tona (Leiden) In vivo visualization of the locus coeruleus in humans: quantifying the test-retest reliability (15')
Nikos Priovoulos (Amsterdam) Imaging the locus coeruleus in vivo at 7T (15')
Session 17: Autophagy and lysosomes in neuronal functioning
Chairs: Katrin Linda (Nijmegen) & Ginny Farias Galdames (Utrecht)
Vassiliki Nikoletopoulou (Lausanne, Switzerland) Cross-talk between autophagic degradation and synaptic function (30')
Mario Mauthe (Groningen) Cellular disaggregation machinery and autophagy co-operate in the lysosomal turnover of aggregates (15')
Marijn Kuijpers (Berlin, Germany) Neuronal autophagy in the regulation of presynaptic neurotransmission (15')
Katrin Linda (Nijmegen) Deregulated autophagy as underlying mechanism of neurodevelopmental disorders (15')
Nazmiye Özkan (Utrecht) Regulation of lysosome translocation into the axon (15')
Session 18: The influence of female sex hormones on affect, behavior and the brain
Chairs: Anne Marieke Doornweerd & Joke Baas (Utrecht)
Birgit Derntl (Tübingen, Germany) Shaping the female brain by hormonal transition periods: a factor for health and disease? (30')
Klara Sifalakis-Spalek (Nijmegen) Influence of ovarian hormones on emotional processing and memory functions: a multimodal data approach (15')
Lotte Gerritsen (Utrecht) Longitudinal effects of menopause on mood and cognition (15')
Anne Marieke Doornweerd (Utrecht) Beyond birth control: emotion regulation in oral contraceptive and IUD users (15')
Session 19: Neuroscience in an enriched environment: fostering relevant biological variation to increase validity of animal experiments
Chairs: Rixt van der Veen (Amsterdam) & Remco Molenhuis (Groningen)
Gerd Kempermann (Dresden, Germany) Environmental enrichment, new neurons and the neurobiology of individuality (30')
Bernhard Voelkl (Bern, Switzerland) Reproducibility of animal research in light of biological variation (15')
Remco Molenhuis (Groningen) Ecological validity of translational measures for social functioning (15')
Rixt van der Veen (Amsterdam) Complex housing, social competence and modeling a demanding society (15')
Judith Homberg (Nijmegen) Integrated behavioural studies in complex environments (15')
Session 20: White matter cell types matter: Insights from basic research and studies on leukodystrophies
Chairs: Rogier Min (Amsterdam) & Tjakko Van Ham (Rotterdam)
Tim Czopka (Edinburgh, United Kingdom) Novel roles for oligodendrocyte precursor cells in shaping the form and function of neural circuits (30')
Woutje Berdowski (Rotterdam) Dominant acting CSF1R variants cause microglial depletion and altered astrocyte phenotype in zebrafish and adult-onset leukodystrophy (15')
Nicole Wolf (Amsterdam) Myelination and lessons from leukodystrophies (15')
Femke de Vrij (Rotterdam) 3D MICro-brains: a 3D Myelination & Inflammation Cortical network platform (15')
Rogier Min (Amsterdam) How the fate of white matter in MLC is determined by dysfunctional astrocytes (15')
10:30 Coffee & Tea
11:00 Parallel Sessions D
Session 21: Spatial transcriptomics: mapping gene expression and cell populations in the brain
Chairs: Carlos Fitzsimons (Amsterdam) & Matthew Holt (Oporto, Portugal)
Thierry Voet (Leuven, Belgium) Single-cell and spatial (multi)omics to develop understanding of the etiopathogenesis of neurodegenerative disease (30')
Wei-ting Chen (Leuven, Belgium) Spatially resolved transcriptome for target discovery of neurodegenerative diseases (15')
Pascal Bielefeld (Cambridge, United Kingdom) Single cell RNA sequencing and spatial mapping identifies cell type-specific vulnerability to traumatic brain injury in the hippocampal neural stem cell niche (15')
Araks Martirosyan (Leuven, Belgium) AstroMAP: the first comprehensive map of astrocytes in the brain (15')
Paul Tiesinga (Nijmegen) Augmenting the mesoconnectome using spatial transcriptomics (15')
Session 22: Breast milk composition: a role in intergenerational transmission of the effects of early-life environment to the offspring’s neurodevelopment and later life outcomes
Chairs: Aniko Korosi (Amsterdam) & Roseriet Beijers (Nijmegen)
Amanda Dettmer (New Haven, CT, USA) Primiparity in rhesus macaques: a sensitive period for infant development via mother’s milk (30')
Roseriet Beijers (Nijmegen) Maternal psychological stress and child executive functioning: milk composition as potential underlying mechanism (15')
Niek van der Aa (Utrecht) Nutritional interventions to stimulate brain development in the preterm infant (15')
Archana Kolikil (Nijmegen) Effects of early-life stress on the quality of pup-dam interaction (15')
Hannah Juncker (Amsterdam) Maternal stress in the early postpartum period influences the composition of human milk (15')
Session 23: Sniffing Out Covid-19
Chairs: Elbrich Postma (Ede) & Sanne Boesveldt (Wageningen)
Valentina Parma (Philadelphia, PA, USA) COVID-19, the nose and the brain: acute and long-term effects of chemosensory dysfunction (30')
Birgit van Dijk (Wageningen) The COVORTS study: exploring longitudinal objective and subjective smell and taste alterations and neural activity after COVID-19 infection (15')
Bart van Berckel (Amsterdam) Assessment of neuroinflammation using [18F]DPA714 PET in patients with post-COVID-19 anosmia or parosmia (15')
Marcel Aries (Maastricht) Why intensive care doctors are interested in imaging of the brain in COVID-19 patients (15')
Emma Schepens (Utrecht) Overview of the current knowledge about treatment of COVID-19-induced loss of smell (15')
Session 24: Identifying risk factors for neuropsychiatric disorders and their underlying pathophysiology
Chairs: Cyprien Guerrin & Jocelien Olivier (Groningen)
Corentin Le Magueresse (Paris, France) The complement system and schizophrenia: insights from a new mouse model (30')
Daniel Vazquez Matias (Groningen) Insight from PET imaging studies in animal models of depression (15')
Cyprien Guerrin (Groningen) Social defeat during adolescence increases the susceptibility to an immune challenge later in life (15')
Marloes Henckens (Nijmegen) Brain activity patterns pre-trauma exposure predict trauma susceptibility in mice (15')
Femke Roig Kuhn (Amsterdam) Modifying the extracellular matrix to prevent the development of depression (15')
Session 25: Inhibitory neurons control network activity
Chairs: Lotte Herstel (Utrecht) & Christiaan Levelt (Amsterdam)
Henning Sprekeler (Berlin, Germany) The explanatory power of E/I balance (30')
Natalie Cappaert (Amsterdam) Excitation-inhibition dynamics regulate signal output in the perirhinal-entorhinal cortex and modulate the window of opportunity for information processing in the rhinal cortices (15')
Laura Galan Perez (Amsterdam) The role of thalamic inhibition in feedback processing in the visual cortex (15')
Stephan Michel (Leiden) Excitation-inhibition imbalance in the aging circadian clock (15')
Lotte Herstel (Utrecht) Inhibitory synapse formation: signals from the postsynaptic dendrite (15')
12:30 Lunch
13:15 Posters
Session 26: Poster session 2
14:30 Parallel Sessions E
Session 27: Dynamic emotional memories: from mice to men
Chairs: Vanessa van Ast & Harm Krugers (Amsterdam)
Aline Desmedt (Bordeaux, France) Contextual amnesia and the underlying hippocampal dysfunction are at the core of PTSD-like memory (30')
Sevgi Bahtiyar (Nijmegen) Exploring noradrenergic effects on memory accuracy (15')
Jeniffer Sanguino Gómez (Amsterdam) Early life experiences shape the way fearful memories are processed: from engrams to behavior (15')
Renée Visser (Amsterdam) Why do certain moments haunt us? Investigating peri-encoding neural processing in relation to subsequent recall of distressing events (15')
Wouter Cox (Amsterdam) Episodic memory enhancement versus impairment is determined by contextual similarity across events (15')
Session 28: Learning in the steady state: history biases in perception and decision-making
Chairs: Anne Urai (Leiden) & Jan Willem de Gee (Amsterdam)
Anne Urai (Leiden) Parietal gamma-band dynamics shape the computation of choice history bias (15')
Jan Willem de Gee (Amsterdam) Catecholamines reduce the impact of previous choices on current behavior (15')
Matthias Fritsche (Oxford, United Kingdom) Serial dependencies in visual perception: how does the brain use the past to predict the future? (15')
Ella Bosch (Nijmegen) Adaptation and serial choice bias for low-level visual features are unaltered in autistic adolescents (15')
Valentin Wyart (Paris, France) Controllability shapes human learning and decision-making under uncertainty (30')
Session 29: Synapse structure and function: from nanoscale to behavior
Chairs: Wouter Droogers (Utrecht) & Christian Lohmann (Amsterdam)
Katharine Smith (Denver, CO, USA) The nanoscale organization of the inhibitory synapse in plasticity and disease (30')
Wouter Droogers (Utrecht) Nanoscale reorganization within the postsynaptic density during long-term potentiation (15')
Ummi Ciptasari (Nijmegen) Role of GluA2-lacking AMPA receptors in ARID1B-deficient neuronal model of Coffin-Siris syndrome (15')
Tamara Buijs (Amsterdam) Development of dendritic domains in the visual cortex before eye opening (15')
Miodrag Mitrić (Amsterdam) Cortical engram cells develop time- and memory strength-dependent synaptic adaptations (15')
Session 30: Decoding affect and cognition from ECoG or EEG: Evidence from animal models, patients and healthy volunteers
Chairs: Leon Kenemans (Utrecht) & Valeria Gazzola (Amsterdam)
Valeria Gazzola (Amsterdam) What can we learn about empathy by looking at brain activity? Evidence from rodents to humans (30')
Feng Wang (Amsterdam) Electrical stimulation and neural decoding in the monkey visual cortex (15')
Damian Koevoet (Utrecht) Predicting lapses of attention from human EEG seconds ahead (15')
Jelmer Borst (Groningen) Discovering and interpreting cognitive processing stages in EEG using Hidden semi-Markov Models and MVPA (15')
Mariska van Steensel (Utrecht) From intracranial EEG to BCI implants for people with Locked-in Syndrome (15')
Session 31: How neuroscience advances the practice of deep brain stimulation in psychiatry
Chairs: Isidoor Bergfeld (Amsterdam) & Martijn Figee (New York, USA)
Martijn Figee (New York, NY, USA) Deep brain stimulation of the internal capsule for obsessive-compulsive disorder (30')
Isidoor Bergfeld (Amsterdam) Deep brain stimulation for depression: from ventral striatum to the medial forebrain bundle (15')
Roel Mocking (Amsterdam) Predictors of response to DBS in obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression and anorexia nervosa (15')
Tara Arbab (Amsterdam) Intracranial electrophysiological biomarkers of compulsivity in obsessive-compulsive disorder (15')
Nora Runia (Amsterdam) Deep brain stimulation normalizes amygdala responsivity in major depressive disorder (15')
16:00 Drinks
16:30 Plenary Session 17:00 Plenary Session 18:00 Closure DNM 22
Session 32: Young Talent Prize
Chair: Mirjam van Zuiden (Amsterdam)
Anne Urai (Leiden)
Session 33: Keynote Lecture
Chair: Sébastien Foulquier (Maastricht)
Susanne van Veluw (Boston, MA, USA) Pathophysiology of microvascular injury in cerebral amyloid angiopathy (60')
Thursday .::. 16 June, 13:45
P1.1 Diversity in striatal synaptic circuits arises from distinct embryonic progenitor pools in the ventral telencephalon
Tommas Ellender (Antwerp, Belgium)
P1.2 Hypoxic preconditioning of mesenchymal stem cells enhances their regenerative potential after neonatal brain injury
Eva Hermans (Utrecht)
P1.3 Intracellular chloride concentrations in SuperClomeleon mice during development
Lotte Herstel (Utrecht)
P1.4 Investigating early-life stress effects on the hippocampal neuroimmune system: Focus on response to secondary challenges
Janssen Kotah (Amsterdam)
P1.5 The role of astrocytic Gs-GPCR signaling in cortical engram formation and remote memory retrieval
Cristina Boers (Amsterdam)
P1.6 A functional role for mitochondria at the AIS
Koen Kole (Amsterdam)
P1.7 APOE4 influences synapses in Alzheimer’s disease in human iPSC-derived cerebral organoids
Marieke Krepel (Utrecht)
P1.8 The role of neuroligin-2 and gephyrin in inhibitory synapse dynamics
Dunya Selemangel (Utrecht)
P1.9 Activity-dependent regulation of synaptic integration in parvalbumin-positive interneurons
Martijn Selten (London, United Kingdom)
P1.10 CB1R silencing during early cortical development leads to aberrant pyramidal neuron migration and altered layer-specific electrophysiological properties
Pascal Chameau (Amsterdam)
P1.11 Role of PV+ BC myelination in inhibitory precision in the mouse CA1 hippocampal microcircuit
David Vandael (Amsterdam)
P1.12 Novel SK channel activators prevent ferroptosis and excitotoxicity in neuronal cells
Yuequ Zhang (Groningen)
P1.13 Post-mortem 9.4T diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) of Parkinson's disease tremor and non-tremor dominant motor subtypes
Jackson Boonstra (Maastricht)
P1.14 Iron(ing) out Parkinsonism: the effect of α-synuclein aggregation and tau hyperphosphorylation on ferroptosis-related markers, in post-mortem human brain tissue
Maria Caiado (Groningen)
P1.15 The plasma aging proteome – unraveling the blood-brain interaction
Loet Coenen (Rijswijk)
P1.16 The effects of in vitro epigenetic editing of oxytocin in Alzheimer's disease pathology
Agnès Dekeyser (Woluwé-Saint-Lambert, Belgium)
P1.17 The selective GR antagonist CORT113176 as a therapeutic treatment for Huntington’s Disease
Max Gentenaar (Leiden)
P1.18 Identifying endocannabinoid-myelin interactions in organotypic cultures
Kieran Higgins (Amsterdam)
P1.19 Activation of migraine-relevant male and female mouse meningeal afferents by specific agonists of TRPM3, Piezo1 and TRPV1 channels
Georgii Krivoshein (Leiden)
P1.20 Multi-omics approaches for molecular subtyping of Alzheimer's disease
Valentin Laroche (Maastricht)
P1.21 The effect of ferroptosis on mitochondrial movement: establishing a brain-on-a-chip model for neurodegeneration
Naďa Majerníková (Groningen)
P1.22 Cerebral hypoperfusion leads to hypoxia and upregulation of Vegfa in oligodendrocyte precursor cells
Narek Manukjan (Maastricht)
P1.23 Early life stress effects on mitochondrial lipid metabolism in APP/PS1 mouse hippocampal astrocytes
Luca Marchetto (Amsterdam)
P1.24 Neuroinflammation and -pathology in SARS-CoV-2 infected rhesus monkeys
Juliana Nieuwland (Rijswijk)
P1.25 Bulk tissue- and cell-type-specific profiling implicates a role for epigenetic dysregulation in the brainstem in Alzheimer’s disease
Renzo Riemens (Maastricht)
P1.26 The age-related effects of early life stress on the hippocampal and prefrontal cortex interneuron population in a mouse model for Alzheimer’s disease
Dimitrios Samouil (Amsterdam)
P1.27 Effects of early life stress and APP/PS1 genotype on mitochondria in 4 months old mice
Roberta Tandari (Amsterdam)
P1.28 Unravelling the role of C9orf72 skeletal muscle cells in axonal pathology associated with ALS
Anna Wiersema (Utrecht)
P1.29 Sleep abnormalities in cuprizone-induced progressive demyelination
Thije Willems (Amsterdam)
P1.30 Increase of glutamate-induced HT22 cell death by BioDEP involves ferroptosis and Epac1 but not caspases and Epac2
Hong Yan (Groningen)
P1.31 Assessing mouse blood-brain barrier integrity following early-life stress
Ella Yusaf (Amsterdam)
P1.32 Causes and consequences of individual variation in Oxtr expression in prairie voles: a molecular phenotype relevant to autism
Arjen Boender (Atlanta, GA, USA)
P1.33 Temporal lobe brain network dynamics ahead of temporal lobe epilepsy onset in a rat model
Brechje Buskens (Nijmegen)
P1.34 Effects of phenylalanine supplementation dietary treatment on blood and brain biochemistry and behavior in tyrosinemia type 1 mice
Junfei Cao (Groningen)
P1.35 The modulatory effect of early dietary supplementation with coffee-derived polyphenols on the early-life stress-induced cognitive and neurogenic alterations
Elbrig Jansma (Amsterdam)
P1.36 Investigating neuronal contribution to 4H syndrome hypomyelination
Liza Kok (Amsterdam)
P1.37 The effects of early-life n-3 fatty acid supplementation in early-life stress exposed mice on microglial morphology during adolescence
Laura Koolman (Amsterdam)
P1.38 A multi-omic approach to study iPSC-derived astrocytes with a high polygenic risk for schizophrenia reveals mitochondrial involvement
Karen Laupman (Amsterdam)
P1.39 The timing of the GABA shift affects the postnatal development of inhibitory synapses
Carlijn Peerboom (Utrecht)
P1.40 Cofilin regulation in the somatosensory cortex alters social functioning in the BTBR mouse model for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Iris Riemersma (Groningen)
P1.41 Glucocorticoid signalling in Angelman syndrome: insights from protein interactions and transcriptomics in the hippocampus
Eva Viho (Leiden)
P1.42 Investigating underlying neurobiological effects of chronic cortisol in hESC-derived pan forebrain neurons at different stages of neuronal development
Katherine Bassil (Maastricht)
P1.43 Impact of the activity-based anorexia model on dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area: linking negative energy balance and the reward system
Fabien Ducrocq (Utrecht)
P1.44 Characterizing physical activity in adolescents remitted from anxiety and/or depression disorders
Nanne Duijnkerke (Amsterdam)
P1.45 Inhibition of basolateral amygdala inputs to nucleus accumbens shell during compulsive alcohol use
Jim Hagemann (Amsterdam)
P1.46 The effect of discontinuing antipsychotic medication on brain structure in first episode psychosis patients
Iris Hamers (Groningen)
P1.47 The effect of SSRIs on fear learning: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Elise Heesbeen (Utrecht)
P1.48 Eyes are the window to the brain: the relationship between cortical thickness and retinal measures in first episode psychosis patients
Milou Koggel (Groningen)
P1.49 Foreseeing a psychosis: the relationship between the severity and duration of a first-episode psychosis and retinal measures
Nephthys Lanting (Groningen)
P1.50 Alcohol use despite negative consequences: Identifying associated brain circuits and behavioural patterns
Allison McDonald (Amsterdam)
P1.51 The neural correlate of corticosteroid regulation of remote memories
Lara Reyes (Mataró, Spain)
P1.52 Can brain stimulation with tDCS improve cognitive performance and stress regulation in military personnel? Results of two randomized controlled trials
Fenne Smits (Utrecht)
P1.53 The role of paraventricular thalamus to nucleus accumbens projections in alcohol use despite negative consequences
Sofia Vellere (Amsterdam)
P1.54 A GHB self-administration model in rats
Casper Wolf (Nijmegen)
P1.55 Principal cell types and circuit architecture of the mouse insular cortex underline its functional diversity
Bart Jongbloets (Utrecht)
P1.56 Complex spike activity of Purkinje cell microzones in a novel conditioning task
Iris van den Heuvel (Rotterdam)
P1.57 Social play during adolescence is critical for the development of prefrontal inhibitory synapses in rats
Ate Bijlsma (Utrecht)
P1.58 The pain-sleep dialog: Interactive effects of pain and sleep state on behavior and cortical activity in the anterior cingulate and somatosensory cortices in mice
Raquel Adaia Sandoval Ortega (Bern, Switzerland)
P1.59 Drd1-expressing neurons projecting from basolateral and central amygdala to reward-related areas
Samira Bogaard (Amsterdam)
P1.60 Characterisation of neuronal activity related to anorexia nervosa using TRAP2
Eileen Brouwer (Utrecht)
P1.61 Untangling the homeostatic regulation of REM sleep using a novel animal model
Massimiliano Coscia (Groningen)
P1.62 A study on REM sleep regulation in the day-active tree shrew: effects of cold exposure
Luisa Epifani (Groningen)
P1.63 Melatonin: a buffer against effects of social defeat stress on peripheral clocks?
Janina Klingspohr (Groningen)
P1.64 Characterizing a social stress-activated neuronal ensemble in the ventral tegmental area
Ioannis Koutlas (Utrecht)
P1.65 Memories in the sleep-deprived brain are ‘hidden’ but not lost
Camilla Paraciani (Groningen)
P1.66 The role of prefrontal cortical neurons projecting to the lateral hypothalamus in stress-induced food intake
Rogier Poorthuis (Utrecht)
P1.67 Play behavior: impact of acute corticosterone in rats and a novel method to study play in children
Sam Miro Sterck (Utrecht)
P1.68 A semi-automated approach to identify brain activation induced by voluntary wheel running in mice
Jazz Stofberg (Amsterdam)
P1.69 Measuring phasic dopamine release in rats on a free-choice High-Fat High-Sugar diet using fast-scan cyclic voltammetry
Jolinde van Bergen (Amsterdam)
P1.70 Sleep homeostasis in the European jackdaw (Coloeus monedula): sleep deprivation increases NREM sleep time and EEG power while reducing hemispheric asymmetry
Sjoerd van Hasselt (Groningen)
P1.71 Chemogenetic activation of A2a/Drd2 Medium Spiny Neurons in the Nucleus Accumbens Core delays feeding onset and decreases locomotor activity
Astrid van Irsen (Amsterdam)
P1.72 An online spider game: overcome your fear, exposure is near
Pauline Dibbets (Maastricht)
P1.73 A novel signaling pathway for learning regulates aversive memory and excitability in the basolateral amygdala
Sacha Nelson (Waltham, MA, USA)
P1.74 Investigating the influence of risky play on cognitive performance and anxiety in rats
Evelien Birza (Utrecht)
P1.75 Amygdalo-prefrontal functional connectivity during discrimination and reversal learning in serotonin transporter knockout rats
Morgane Boillot (Nijmegen)
P1.77 Neuroanatomical mapping of fear ensemble inputs to the mPFC
Isabel Ericson (Amsterdam)
P1.78 The effect of early life adversity on the fear memory engram
Stefan Huijgens (Amsterdam)
P1.79 Neural dynamics supporting habit acquisition and adjustment using implementation intentions
Irene van de Vijver (Utrecht)
P1.80 Temporal dynamics of fear memory accuracy vs. generalization
Lisa Wirz (Nijmegen)
P1.81 Shocking structures: toward resolving protein voltage-sensitivity using cryo-EM
Christos Gogou (Delft)
P1.82 Automated, label-free identification and functional characterization of axons in neuronal networks at high-throughput
Wei Gong (Zurich, Switzerland)
P1.83 Effects of stress-related large-scale brain network neurofeedback training on cognition and affect
Florian Krause (Nijmegen)
P1.84 A compact microscope for voltage imaging
Xin Meng (Delft)
P1.85 Mapping the proteomic landscape of cell/ensemble-specific synapses
Biswajit Moharana (Amsterdam)
P1.86 Absolute voltage imaging of bioelectricity in developing zebrafish
ZhenZhen Wu (Delft)
P1.87 Time-restricted feeding reprograms microglial day-night immunity in the hypothalamus
Han Jiao (Amsterdam)
Friday .::. 17 June, 13:15
P2.1 Activity-dependent synapse formation during early postnatal development
Tim Kroon (London, United Kingdom)
P2.2 The effects of maternal stress on the lactating mammary gland in mice
Anne Tjepkema (Amsterdam)
P2.3 Linking the cytoskeleton to volume-regulated ion channels in the white matter disease MLC
Quinty Bisseling (Amsterdam)
P2.4 The effect of a delayed GABA shift on long term excitatory neurotransmission in organotypic hippocampal slices
Sam de Kater (Utrecht)
P2.5 Visualizing endocannabinoid-mediated PKA dynamics in hippocampal inhibitory neurons
Seger Deerenberg (Utrecht)
P2.6 Immunohistochemistry analysis of inhibitory synapses in the orbitofrontal cortex of rats after social play deprivation
Brian Groenewege (utrecht)
P2.7 Molecular recognition at the neuronal synapse
Agathe Henocq (Delft)
P2.9 In silico model of AMPA receptor nanoscale organization in the postsynaptic density and its effect on synaptic strength
Oscar Klock (Utrecht)
P2.10 Shank proteins are necessary for nanoscale re-organization of the postsynaptic density during long-term potentiation
Amy Moerkerken (Utrecht)
P2.11 The forgotten AMPA-receptor subunit: exploring the role of GluA3 in the visual cortex
Anaïs Notario Reinoso (Amsterdam)
P2.12 Mechanisms controlling the internalization of voltage-gated sodium channels at the axon initial segment
Vasiliki Theodorou (Utrecht)
P2.13 The role of inhibitory interneurons in cortical engram function and memory processing in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Julia van Adrichem (Amsterdam)
P2.14 Co-culture of iPSC derived white-matter like and grey-matter like astrocytes with iPSC derived microglia: modeling multiple sclerosis lesion environments
Thecla van Wageningen (Amsterdam)
P2.15 Resolving the dynamic subsynaptic distribution of AMPA receptor subunit GluA3
Manon Westra (Utrecht)
P2.16 Epigenetic mechanisms of homeostatic plasticity in a human neuronal model system
Xiuming Yuan (Nijmegen)
P2.17 Cellomics and molecular profiling of the disease phenotype of human induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Frontotemporal Dementia patients with a GRN mutation
Ankita Bhamidipati (Amsterdam)
P2.18 LRP10 and α-synuclein cell-to-cell transmission in Parkinson’s disease and Dementia with Lewy bodies
Ana Carreras Mascaro (Rotterdam)
P2.19 Characterization of LRP10 expression in Lewy body disorders and iPSC-derived brain cells
Martyna Grochowska (Rotterdam)
P2.20 Epigenetic editing of oxytocin in Alzheimer's disease
Philippos Koulousakis (Maastricht)
P2.21 Impaired glymphatic flow in diabetic and CADASIL mice
Erik Kroesbergen (Copenhagen, Denmark)
P2.22 The efficacy of voluntary exercise and branched chain amino acids in preventing obesity-induced pathological changes in brain and behavior
Maria Lisovets (Nijmegen)
P2.23 The role of epidemic spreading in seizure dynamics and epilepsy surgery
Ana Millan (Amsterdam)
P2.24 Systematic assessment of microRNA-132 therapeutic targeting in Alzheimer’s disease
Amber Penning (Amsterdam)
P2.25 The force is strong: ex-vivo ultra-high field MRI to unravel structural white matter tracts in Parkinson’s disease motor subtypes
Ashly Katrene Pineda (Maastricht)
P2.26 Revealing the molecular changes in human post-mortem multiple system atrophy (MSA) brain tissue by a proteomics perspective
Débora Pita Illobre (Amsterdam)
P2.27 Synergetic microRNA delivery for therapeutic targeting in Alzheimer’s disease
Oliver Polzer (Amsterdam)
P2.28 Computational analysis of the convergent microRNA targetome
Rosa Randoe (Amsterdam)
P2.29 Machine learning-based prediction of cognitive outcomes in de novo Parkinson's disease
Rick Reijnders (Maastricht)
P2.30 Loss of capillary low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 expression in the hippocampus of temporal lobe epilepsy and Alzheimer’s Disease patients
Annemieke Rozeboom (Amsterdam)
P2.31 A proteomic study reveals that neurotrophin mimetic BNN27 partially rescues Aβ negative impact on 5xFAD mice
Evangelia Thanou (Amsterdam)
P2.32 Correlation between delayed cortical astrogliosis and cognitive protection in a tauopathy environment following trauma in a cohort study
Sachin Tiwari (Roorkee, India)
P2.33 Cellular and molecular mapping of adult hippocampal neurogenesis in Alzheimer's disease
Giorgia Tosoni (Amsterdam)
P2.34 Renal and cerebral small vessel disease: an inflammatory tangle
Laura Van der Taelen (Maastricht)
P2.35 Morbid obesity, gut pathology and the brain - The BARICO study
Lieke van Dongen (Nijmegen)
P2.36 Voluntary exercise and branched-chain amino acids as a prevention against obesity-related white matter changes and neuroinflammation
Konstantina Velanaki (Nijmegen)
P2.37 Assessment of fetal growth restriction and postnatal brain development in the reduced uterine perfusion pressure rat model
Judit Alhama Riba (Utrecht)
P2.38 Timing of multiple-hits affects the pattern of myelination in a rat model of encephalopathy of prematurity
Myrna Brandt (Utrecht)
P2.39 Electrophysiological characteristics of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons with CACNA1A variants
Marina Hommersom (Nijmegen)
P2.40 Establishing a method for assessing habituation deficit reversibility in Drosophila Intellectual Disability models through genetic rescue strategies
Sanne Papeleu (Nijmegen)
P2.41 Establishing the beneficial effects of ketogenic diets in Drosophila models of genetic epilepsies
Ana Serna Serna (Nijmegen)
P2.42 Effect of STXBP1 mutations on iPSC-derived neuronal network development
Christy Yu (Amsterdam)
P2.43 Comparing susceptible versus resilient individuals in a prospective PTSD military cohort (PRISMO) using transcriptomic guided eQTL & mQTL analysis for trans-omic causal inference
Ghazi Al Jowf (Maastricht)
P2.44 Human iPSC-derived 3D MICro-brains: A 3D Myelination & Inflammation Cortical network platform
Sakshi Bansal (Rotterdam)
P2.45 Association of biomarkers of intestinal permeability and inflammation to symptoms and cognition in bipolar and schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Greetje Huisman (Groningen)
P2.46 Efficacy and safety of deep brain stimulation for treatment-refractory Anorexia Nervosa: a meta-analysis
Dominika Karaszewska (Amsterdam)
P2.47 Alterations in the gut microbiota composition following neuromodulation interventions
Vera Korenblik (Amsterdam)
P2.48 Reproducible neuroimaging findings in brain disorders
Ilan Libedinsky (Amsterdam)
P2.49 A CRISPR-dCas9 approach to manipulate hippocampal ECM levels
Sofie Peeters (Amsterdam)
P2.50 Chemogenetic inhibition of CA1 PV interneurons mediates behavioral and physiological changes in male mice
Kelly Spanou (Amstelveen)
P2.51 Neural signature of fear recall associated with stress susceptibility
Ana Carolina Temporão (Nijmegen)
P2.52 Stress intensity determines level of cognitive deficits and PNN changes in a rat social defeat model
Giovanni Vardiero (Amsterdam)
P2.53 Transient changes in the perineural net structure acutely after social defeat in mice
Jenny Zhang (Amsterdam)
P2.54 Does antipsychotic medication affect the retina in first episode psychosis patients?
Matou Zwemmer (Utrecht)
P2.55 Auditory processing in the visual cortex of blind mice
Vasilis Patsourakos (Amsterdam)
P2.56 Sound localization tuning of the Medial Superior Olive in Mongolian gerbils after hearing onset
Martijn Sierksma (Rotterdam)
P2.57 A novel subtype of cerebro-spinal projection neuron that innervates cerebellar nuclei
Carmen Schaefer (Rotterdam)
P2.58 Distinct cortico-muscular interaction with step and stance leg during reactive stepping revealed through spectral granger causality
Mitchel Stokkermans (Nijmegen)
P2.59 Unraveling multi-site oscillatory dynamics in a rat model or response inhibition
Jordi ter Horst (Nijmegen)
P2.60 Intake of methylglyoxal does not impair cerebral microcirculation nor cognitive function in healthy mice
Eline Berends (Maastricht)
P2.61 Optogenetically manipulated phasic dopamine modulates prefrontal cortex - striatum communication
Adam Dede (Sheffield, United Kingdom)
P2.62 Long-term effects of vagal nerve stimulation on glucose homeostasis in freely moving rats
Warner Hoornenborg (Groningen)
P2.63 Stress-driven potentiation of lateral hypothalamic synapses onto ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons causes increased consumption of palatable food
Louisa Linders (Utrecht)
P2.64 Are social defeat stress-induced phase shifts of peripheral clocks mediated by glucocorticoids?
Natalia Miguel Ramiro (Groningen)
P2.65 Is it time to say good night? The effect of different sleep deprivation methods on hippocampal immediate early gene expression
Adithya Sarma (Groningen)
P2.66 Uncovering the neural mechanisms of stress-induced impulsivity
Evelien Schut (Utrecht)
P2.67 Effect of stress on Prefrontal cortical control over lateral hypothalamic feeding circuits
Laura Supiot (Utrecht)
P2.68 Consequences of the lack of one or multiple dystrophin isoforms on cognition and behaviour in prednisolone treated mouse models of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Minou Verhaeg (Leiden)
P2.69 The underlying mechanism in seasonal sleep-wake variation in jackdaws
Celeste Vervoort (Groningen)
P2.70 The effect of artificial light at night on circadian rhythms and sleep architecture of the day-active tree shrew
Kornelija Vitkute (Groningen)
P2.71 Sleep deprivation-induced impairments in spatial working memory in mice
Sophia Wilhelm (Groningen)
P2.73 Pay attention to this change: Lateral Hypothalamic GABAergic neurons in attention and alcohol memories
Isis Alonso-Lozares (Amsterdam)
P2.74 Housing adolescent Wistar rats for short and long-term periods in a complex environment: effects on the motivation to liberate a trapped conspecific
Viviana Canicatti (Amsterdam)
P2.75 Spatial distribution of gene expression in the human amygdala
Leonie Dams (Leiden)
P2.76 Neural mechanisms underlying the recall of a fear extinction memory in different contexts
Laura de Nooij (Nijmegen)
P2.77 Pregnancy and the maternal brain: the impacts of reproductive status on cognition and neurogenesis in live-bearing fish
Tiffany Ernst (Wageningen)
P2.78 Neurovascular dysfunction and cognitive impairment in a model of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
Sara Lambrichts (Maastricht)
P2.79 Assessing the acute dose-dependent effects of psilocybin on mood and cognition in male rodents
Igor Magaraggia (Maastricht)
P2.80 Neurochemical profiling of psychedelic states of consciousness
Natasha Mason (Maastricht)
P2.81 The effects of antidepressants on cognitive performance before and after pregnancy
Mayerli Andrea Prado Rivera (Groningen)
P2.82 High-content imaging and analysis of in vitro neuronal networks
Cátia Frias (Delft)
P2.83 Plasmonically enhanced fluorescence of Archaerhodopsin-based GEVIs
Marco Locarno (Delft)
P2.84 An extensive application of score-driven Kinetic Ising Models to explore time-varying causality relations in large-scale spiking networks
Michael Ogbuachi (Nijmegen)
P2.85 Resolving molecular brain anatomy with expansion microscopy
Albert Serweta (Utrecht)
P2.86 Induction strategies for GABAergic differentiation from human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Torben van Voorst (Amsterdam)
P2.87 Humanized mouse brain biomarkers through transcriptomic conversion
Roël Vrooman (Nijmegen)
P2.88 Identifying location-specific changes in habenular gene transcription in mice following a fear conditioning paradigm
Faiza Weilenmann (Belmont, MA, USA)
The two poster sessions are scheduled for Thursday, 16 June, at 13:45 and Friday, 17 June, at 13:15.
If your abstract is selected for a poster presentation, when preparing your poster please remember that the area available to you is 90 x 110 cm (width x height).
"Portrait" is fine
"Landscape" not...
Your poster should be readable from a 2-metre distance; as a rough guideline, use a font size of 72 pts for your title, and a minimum of 28 pts for your text.
Posters must be mounted on the day of the presentation only, between 08:00 and the start of the first session of the day (09:50 on Thursday, and 09:00 on Friday).
Posters must be removed at the end of the day only: 18:45 on Thursday and within 16:30 on Friday. Posters from the Thursday session that are still up by Friday at 08:00 will be discarded by the venue personnel so that the Friday posters can be set up.